Five Scouts Set to Become Tomorrow’s Leaders
Five scouts from the 1st Durbanville troop have been selected to participate in the much sought after annual Patrol Leader Training Unit (PLTU) programme which takes place from 1 to 9 April this year.
We consider it a great honour that out of the total of 40 scouts that have been selected across the Western Cape to participate in PLTU, five of them are from 1st Durbanville. They are Daniel Wilbraham (16), Hannah Murphy (16), Keagan Coetzee (16), Oscar Berteler (16) and Logan Washer (17).
The course attempts to help scouts overcome any perceived limitations and to stretch these limits far beyond any boundaries so that they are able to discover their true potential. In the process, a strong sense of self-worth, self-confidence and self-discipline is stimulated.
The PLTU programme focusses on character development as well as on physical, mental and spiritual qualities. The course participants and staff are selected from the broad spectrum of the community.
The motivation for starting PLTU was based on the recognition that the leaders of tomorrow will emanate from the youth of today. Whilst the development of other leadership skills can still be effective at later stages, the development of values and attitudes is best achieved in the earlier years. Thus age plays an important role in acceptance as participants need to be mature enough to grasp adult concepts, but young enough to be able to put these into practice within their troops.
The PLTU programme has become a vital part of scouting and has earned the reputation of being the best course on offer to our scouts. Acceptance to participate in PLTU is not on a first come, first served basis as only 40 applicants are accepted due to time, equipment and staff constraints.